Some studies of Iceland Gulls

One of the things that brightens up even a quiet winter is the annual arrival, predominantly during January and February, of varying numbers of Iceland Gulls. These birds tend to be quite widespread here in Ireland, with pretty much all coastal counties receiving a few every year, and, while peak counts of these and Glaucous Gulls tend to come from Killybegs in Co. Donegal, we don't do too badly for them down here in Cork either. In recent winters, there have usually been at least two or three birds along the river Lee in Cork city centre, and, as most have been juveniles, most records clearly don't refer to returning birds. Birds can often give good close views in this urban setting, but a juvenile that is currently present at Kyrl's Quay takes the biscuit, being perhaps the most approachable Iceland Gull that I have ever seen, anywhere. So, without further ado, here are some of my better Iceland Gull images from this winter and previous years, mainly from Cork city but...